Greg Kliner
Thank you Scott and Craig, I appreciate how this was handled very much. Hard to believe there are companies that will still come back after things are out of warrantee and stand by their product, so refreshing ! As have said before, anytime there is a potential customer that wants a reference, I am your guy! Scott from your comment, the keys are back in the cabin, right? Thanks guys.
Patricia Hanner
We began thinking about building our “cabin on the lake” years ago and were thrilled when we finally were able to do so. We are equally thrilled to have worked with Tice Construction in the planning, design and building of the cabin. The Tice team took our concept to reality from blueprint through the entire build. They used practical and cost effective solutions for every day issues while keeping our goals and dreams in mind. Being a first-time home builder, it was a relief to have a Craig and Scott and their crew working with us and taking a personal interest in our project. We relied on them every step of the way and were never disappointed.
John Olsen
We have really enjoyed our lake home on Matthews Lake. I try to get up there as often as possible. Last weekend was the annual ice fishing outing and the fishing was better than average. The best part was relaxing by the wood burning fireplace at the end of the day. I am still very impressed with the quality of carpentry on the exterior and interior. The interior has a very warm and comfortable feeling to it. I’ve enclosed a couple of photos.
Our neighbor here in the Twin Cities purchased a lake lot two down from us on Matthews Lake and are interested in building a “Glorified Garage” with a 3 car garage below and two bedroom living space above with kitchen and bathroom.( Full sized lake home would be in the future.) They are looking to build this spring and would like to get some bids on the project. Would this be something that you would be interested in? Feel free to contact me via email or cell phone (612)- 418-5504.
Noel & Ann Thompson
Scott/Craig – the cabin looked just wonderful. Your group did a great job, and we were thrilled with the outcome. Thanks for making the process so smooth and easy from our perspective. If you ever need us to write a “testimonial” for the website, we’d be glad to. Since Ann has her own business, I know how powerful those comments can be for would-be customers.
We’ll let you know when we can get up there to get the additional lights that we missed originally, so Rick can get back in.
Thanks again, hope you had a great weekend.
Pat Schaufhauser
I thought I would give you an update without disturbing your evening again. Art was there with me this morning and got all of the furniture out of the bedrooms. I got Archer Services to come and start drying and tearing out as needed. They also specialize in restoration. It is all covered by insurance and they said to let Archer go and do whatever is necassary as they have dealt with them before. It apparantly takes quite awhile to get the place totally dried out. So I guess they will be there alot. The plumber also came and repaired the pipe. He said that sprayed insulation would probably work? Also draining it when I’m not there. I’m supposed to keep the receipts for anything done so I can submit Art’s time to be covered as well.
I also want to thank you again for coming over. I was a bit stunned by the situation and didn’t know quite what to do or who to call. To take time on a Sunday evening in brutal weather to come and help me was something few people would do. To say I appreciated it is an enormous understatement. I don’t really know what else to say. I do know that it’s something I will not forget. Thanks Scott.
Paul Cook
Many thanks for the quality work and saves due to uncooperative weather sometimes. I am amazed every time I pull into the driveway and walk in the house, how much better it looks and works for us now. Winning the lottery would also be beneficial to accomplishing everything we wanted to do but hey, it’s only money! The small inconveniences along the way were worth it. Very good results and great design, your team is awesome especially Art!